Our Vision
Notion Collective is a union that gathers sustainable fashion entrepreneurs, opinion leaders, influencers for change, fashion professionals, academicians, students, and fashionistas to discuss fast fashion’s social and environmental impact; create alternative solutions for the sustainable and ethical transformation of the industry.
Based on sharing knowledge and experience with collective consciousness to increase sustainable development, social justice, and diversity of individual expression in the fashion industry, the union asks provocative questions in the field of ethics and sustainability with its core principles of awareness, education, collaboration, creative cooperation, and creating alternatives. It turns innovative conceptual discussions into permanent experiences.
Why Notion
Notion Collective was named after one of the eleven historical capitals of İzmir. This valley becomes the origin of sustainable fashion and textile from organic cotton fields to end sustainable products with its strong design and craftsmanship capabilities. The antic name enriches the collective with the city’s cultural heritage.
Why Collective
When we are designing our activities, we wish to gather academics, industry leaders, entrepreneurs, students who want to share their knowledge in sustainable fashion areas. Redesigning the events shaped by using innovative ways, we wish to create a space for communication, and connection, and sharing knowledge.
We are aware of the fact that to achieve results which are capable of reversing the negative impacts of fashion, we need to utilize time in the most efficient way. Our events may have a common ground for future positive effects, connections, and communication.
Event Program
By creating collaborations, building communities and developing networks, we believe that we may contribute as a part of fashion world, to create a better world. Therefore, we have decided to form a collective for this establishment.
Modanın Yeni Yüzü: Etik, adil, şeffaf
27 Ocak 2020 19:00 – 21:00
Notion Kolektif’in ikinci etkinliği “Modanın Yeni Yüzü: Etik, Adil ve Şeffaf” Fair Wear Foundation Türkiye ekibinden Emre Şencanbaz ve organik tekstil üreticisi Orimpex Tekstil’den Beysu İnal’ın katılımlarıyla Originn’de. Sizi de modadaki bu dönüşümün bir parçası olmaya davet ediyoruz.
İklim Krizi ve Moda
02 Ekim 2019 19:00 – 21:00
Notion Kolektif’in ilk etkinliği “İklim Krizi ve Moda” akademisyen Şölen Kipöz, Eko IQ dergisi editörü Barış Doğru ve Ege Deniz firmasında Özgü Çubukçuoğlu’nun katılımlarıyla Originn’de. Sizi de bu dönüşümün bir parçası olmaya davet ediyoruz.
Notion Talks
Modanın daha iyi bir dünya yaratmak alanında sağlayacağı üretimi ve katkıyı işbirlikleri yaparak, topluluklar oluşturarak, iletişim ağları geliştirerek daha etkin ve kapsayıcı şekilde gerçekleştirmek için kolektif oluşumu ile yola çıktık.
We all have a thing to do to take care of and protect our planet. We
should live a life which give makes it possible that our kids and
grandchildren can survive. Our life should be the promise we give and the message that we want to transfer.
– Thich Nhat Hanh